Kamis, 12 Januari 2012

Review of Fats

Fats along with proteins and carbohydrates, are one of the three nutrients used as energy sources by the body. The energy produced by fats is 9 calories per gram. Proteins and carbohydrates each provide 4 calories per gram.

Fat is probably the most contentious issue in nutrition. Are they as bad for us as we are led to believe? Are they really responsible for the often poor standard of health seen in the majority of the western world? Should we embrace the "low fat lifestyle"?

The truth is that fat is just as vital to your body as any other nutrient and so avoiding it is not only inadvisable, but is detrimental to your health as well. So to better understand the importance of fat, the following lists its 5 major functions.

1) Fat provides a ready energy source and in a well-nourished individual, it provides as much as 80% to 90% of your body's energy requirements. 

2) Fat is needed so your body can absorb the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, and prevent deficiencies of these vitamins.

3) Protects organs and bones from shock and provides support for organs.

4) Provides insulation under the skin from the cold and the heat.

5) Fat is part of every cell membrane in the body.  It helps transport nutrients and metabolites across cell membranes.

Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

The Importance of Water in Human Life

Our Body requires 3 requirements for its proper working - water,oxygen, and food as order.The first necessity to live is oxygen because we can't survive  more than a 5 minutes without taking oxygen.Waters is ranked as 2nd only to oxygen as important for human life due to the fact we cannot stay for long time without consuming water.

Body system consists of 2/3 parts of water and 1/3 parts of solid material.The common adult body's 50 Percent to 70 percent water. Human's embryo comprises more than 80 percent water. A baby  is 74% water. Human life relies upon water.

Water is much more essential compared to material for our body.  The ratio of 2:1 must be managed everyday.Each activity in our body is powered by water. It's the water, which is liable for 2/3 of activity in human body.

The availability of all-important water for the body assists body to accomplish its jobs properly. There isn't any problems for the body even though we miss food once in a day. The meal kept in our bodies arrives handy if we skip food. But,, when we don't drink water for a long time or for a whole day, it will trigger severe problems inside. It is incorrect to believe that if we consume water once it'll be saved for a long period and satisfies the requirements of our bodies. Water is useful only if we take it when our body requires it. As food is purged from stomach, waters is also purged from your body occasionally. As we load the bare stomach with food, we should also provide water for the body.